Friday 17th December, 2021

Carol Service 6:00pm

Sunday 7th November, 2021

Morning Prayers 11:15 am

Mrning Prayers will be led by Philip Wilcocks

Saturday 10th July, 2021

Summer Churchyard Tidy

A huge thank you to the twenty-five strimmers, rakers, hedge clippers, refreshment makers, church cleaners, railings washers, leaf blowers, and tractor drivers who turned out on Saturday (10 July) to give the churchyard its summer makeover. A tremendous effort. A particular thank you to Julia for arranging and cajoling.

The extra bonus was that Roger and Judy could come along and allow us to enjoy their company.

Please add to your diaries our next service at 11.15am on Sunday 22 August, we look forward to seeing you there.

Sunday 4th July, 2021


The most important news is that our next service will be Eucharist on Sunday 4 July at 6.00pm and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. Please bring your own bread!

After a year’s hibernation, we had our first service this year on Sunday 9 March, and it was good to be back in our church - though our hymn was sung at the end of the service in the churchyard.

The church was clean and well decorated as a result of a spring clean on the day before. Despite the rain plenty of helpers came and some braved the weather outside to wash down the railings around the yard. 

Our annual churchyard tidy will be held on Saturday 10 July, starting at 9.00am, we hope that we will see you all then!

As very gradually things get back to some semblance of normal we hope that we shall return shortly to our first Sunday of the month morning service. Some signs of a return are that bellringing practice has resumed, though on a Tuesday and with Covid prevention measures. We had the joy of a wedding celebrated on Thursday 10 June and look forward to another on Saturday 7 August.

vPlease cast an eye over the advertisement of our Midsummer Evening event on 24 June!

Tuesday 23rd April

Parish Church Council

The Annual General Meeting of the PCC will be held in the Church at 8.00pm, all are most welcome to attend.

Sunday 2nd September

The bells

Today was the first Sunday that the bells could be rung again with the clappers restored. At the end of July the clappers were taken out and up to Taylors of Loughborough. Returned and re-inserted, the bells are once again sounding as they should. Can you spot the odd clapper among the six (it's from White's of Appleton)?

They will sound magnificent on Armistice Day when all the bells of Britain will be rung.


Sunday 5th August


A great afternoon of Tug-of-War organised by Robert Watkins at Great Corras: our local teams, men’s and women’s, were competing in the yellow shirts of “Cupid’s Hill”. We wish them every success in the remaining competitions of the season.

Saturday 16th June

Churchyard mowing

A huge thank you to the twenty helpers yesterday who spent the whole morning in the Church Yard and made it look wonderfully spruce. The buzz of eight strimmers in action sounded like a vast swarm of hornets. A community action that produced something to be proud of.

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